Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kingdom of Stress

So, I have been so stressed out this week. Thank you, God for a three day weekend! So what are you guys doing this weekend? I know a lot of my friends are on a winter retreat, but what about you guys? I have math, but I am going shopping with my friend, Mrs. Bailey. I need to go to bed, but I thought I should give you an update.
One last thing. When you think you can't stand one more day of the stress, God is with you. He is standing there by your side while you burst into tears. Rely on God for strength. Chocolate is great, but Jesus' love is better. So much love is being poured out towards you. All you have to do is recieve it. Love you guys!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today has been a very busy day for me. Mom had shopping to do today, so that left me with the kids. It wasn't that hard, because the boys helped out a ton and everyone did a lot of school. But, I have three sessions on Wednesdays, so that can be tiring. I have two of them done, so I only have Spanish at 8 tonight. I am kind of nervous about that, though. I have a new teacher now. I really liked my old teacher, but I still have my friends from last semester. My new teacher looks very nice, so I am sure I have nothing to be nervous about.
Right now I am listening to Interstellar music while I work. If you haven't seen it yet, I urge you to go see it. I got a little bored at points, because I don't like space movies that much, but the acting, music, and story is just amazing. I actually loved the music so much that I learned how to play it on the piano. I recorded it, and will put it below, if you are interested.
Stay warm, guys! It is soooo cold outside! The wind is ripping our house apart, literally. There are pieces of the roof flying towards the ground! It is supposed to be 17 degrees for four hours straight tonight, and it will feel like 8 degrees. I can't imagine living far up North and being used to this kind of weather. BRRRR!!!!
I wanted to say something, though before I close. I know it can be hard to transition from break to school, but I want you to know that even when you go through bigger changes, as some of you might be graduating this spring, remember, through it all, God is ALWAYS with you. He loves you with a never stopping, never giving up, always, and forever love. Remember that he is there with you as you head on into this new semester. I will be praying for all of you, even if I don't know your names, faces, or really anything about you, I pray that one day we will meet in Heaven.

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year Break and Back to School

So, this past week I went to TN. I had a blast being there with family. It has been a long time since I could see all of them. I hadn't seen the Ballards since Andrew graduated, and the Wongs, since Camp Little Light. I don't know the last time I saw the Vaughans. But, it was very fun and there was a lot of good food, fellowship, and prayer. Papa shared something from his heart each night, which was very special and then we would all pray for one family at a time. It was super neat.
I started school again. It doesn't look that bad, but I will be reading a very innapropriate and atheist book. I am really nervous about reading it, so please pray for me. Thankfully, I will be reading it with my Mom, so she can offer me support and Godly advice. I hope all of you that are starting school back have a stress-free semester and rely on God, even when the anxiety is horrible. Here are some pictures to close out.

Zach and Ryan


Lil cuzins

Mik, Calvin, and Dakota

Naomi and Nate

Papa and Bu



Cousin Meeting

Dakota & Violin