Thursday, September 11, 2014

Remembering September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 started off as any other day. People went to work, school, or resumed their daily routines. For my family, we had breakfast and Mom turned on the news to hear the daily news. My brother and I sat in front of the TV and played with blocks and listened to our mother's beautiful piano playing. Looking at the TV, we saw something weird on the TV. Calling Mom over, she sat with us for a while before running out of the room and getting the phone to call Dad. There was a tower on fire on the television set! Sitting with my brother we watched the second plane crash into the second tower. We didn't find out about the Pentagon and the other planes until we grew older. But back on that fateful day at 9:03 A.M., it was clear to all Americans that we were under attack by terrorists. Though I was too little to understand what was going on, my parents have educated me in the recent years about what happened that day. So many people lost loved ones that day. Whether they were in the towers, at the Pentagon, on the planes, or first responders, they were all heroes. They gave their lives for America. Now Osama bin Laden has been killed but there are other terrorists out there. We need to educate the future generations of what happened that day and never forget. We need to do everything in our power to keep it from being repeated. But this also needs to be said. Several of our Americans have been kidnapped and murdered by ISIS. We need to stop sitting back and waiting for someone to do something. America needs to act. These are Americans just like us who have families and friends that are struggling right now. We need to pray for them and all of the people who lost loved ones thirteen years ago. I will never forget!
Never Forget

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