Sunday, December 28, 2014


I am feeling pretty tired today, so here is a comic. It is one of my favorites. I mean, technically Christmas is over, but it is never too late for one of these...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!!!!

I hope everyone had a very, merry Christmas! 
Mine was pretty stinking amazing and filled with miracles. The biggest one was that my siblings were all feeling better this morning! They were all sick with the flu with raging fevers, but they woke up this morning with smiles on their faces, and the youngest one running up and down the hall.
We kids had an incredible surprise this morning too. Walking out to the School Room, we looked at the Christmas tree. Presents, many presents, cluttered the floor beneath the Christmas tree. Every single child's jaw dropped as we looked at all of them. We couldn't wait till after breakfast as we kids checked the room to make sure the presents were still there. I promise you. We didn't expect a single present, but each one got at least four! I am so blessed by God, by his amazing gift this morning. Good health, and blessings sent from Him! When we asked Mom where the gifts came from, she said, "Jesus." She wouldn't tell us where they really came from, but now I don't really care. I am overwhelmed by the kindness of my loving God and the generosity of others.
One other thing God has blessed us with this Christmas, is the gift of Himself. He gave Himself to us, so that we can one day live in Heaven with Him! I can't wait! As I think back on this day, I remember miracles. If there was one label I'd give this Christmas, I would say Miracle! Good health, joy, little bundles of blessings, generosity, and most of all Himself!

This truly has been a Christmas of Miracles!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Finals Day One!

Seriously getting nervous this morning. Mom gave me the opportunity to sleep in today, but I still got up early. It kind of makes me nervous because these are finals! They count as 20% of my grade! EEP!!! However, with the Lord's help, He'll see me through this and it will be all over.
My Mom is still sick with a sinus infection. Dad had to get down on his hands and knees and drain the sinks last night. Poor Dad! There was grease in their, and all kinds of food. Yuck!
I really don't have much to say this morning. I know that God doesn't want me to be afraid. Please pray that I find His Peace this morning because I am still freaking out.
John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Good Morning!

Hello guys!
I feel much better this morning. Tired, but better. I hope you guys had a good Monday yesterday. I am like Garfield. Mondays are the worst. But, one more day till Hump-Day! And one more day till finals for me. :/ Kind of nervous about that. I know God will help me to do my best, even if my best is a B.
I got my final grades back yesterday. I got a 98 in Spanish, a 95 in American Literature, and a 95 in Chemistry. I am trying to push for an A average this year. Last year, I had one B, and in 9th Grade, I had one B as well. Both Bs were in Math class. Me no likey math.
Isn't this weather weird? It will go down in the 20s one week and then it's back in the upper 70s the next! Georgia has up and down weather that's for sure. I am hoping there will be snow this year. With weather like this we may have snow one day and the next, we can go swimming. Weird!
Pushing with my book "Daniel." I am hoping to finish editing it and writing it by this next summer. Which is both exciting and it makes me nervous. The company I wanted to publish it with unexpectedly closed, so I am going to ask for advice from a friend at my church. She has written a whole trilogy and is publishing the first book herself. Apparently you can do it for free! I already have my picture styled and picked out. I want to format it a little more, though. Below is the cover I am thinking about using.
Yesterday was the Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies live premiere in London. I watched a little of it, and it was stinkin awesome! I wish I could have been there, but I am thankful that I was able to see it.
My Nana gave me a devotional for me to read. I read it yesterday, and it really brought me down to earth. The message it spoke is "You aren't going to get anywhere being good for your spouse, children, siblings, parents, or friends. You need to do it for Jesus knowing without Him you could never be good." Wow. You know, when I rinse the dishes, take care of my sisters, clean toilets, whatever, I see it as doing it for my parents. I don't see it as doing it for God. That is something that I struggle with. Another thing I struggle with is planning for the next day. I don't know what is going to happen 15 min. from now. I have a basic idea that I will take my finals tomorrow, but all that can change in a heartbeat. God has the Plan. I need to rely on Him instead of making my own plan. Basically, don't put stuff off for tomorrow.
James 4:13-17 "Come now, you who say,“Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For tyou are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.15 Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” 16 As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."

Monday, December 1, 2014

"Well this sucks!"

So, I am sick. My head feels like it got hit by a dumptruck. Or an airplane. Or both. Yeah, I probably have a sinus infection. FUN!!! On Finals week too!
So, please pray for me because I am trying to study and all I want is my bed and hot tea. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
Well, that's embarassing! My grandfather was plenty happy that Georgia Tech beat the Dawgs. I was just sitting there like, "Well bumpersnickles!"
Yes, I have my own invented words. :)
I had a lot of fun spending time with my grandparents, but it is kind of sad to see how much pain my Grandpa is in. So, please pray for the doctors to help him and him to not be in as much pain.
As some of you head into finals this week or in the upcoming weeks, know that I will be praying for you! I hope you persevere and overcome this last hurdle before Christmas break! Almost there! You can do it!!!